Monday, September 10, 2007

babies and stuff... argh...

a friend of mine is having a baby very soon... she might be in labor right now, who knows... i think she's going to be a super cool mom... also over last few years many of my friends had a baby or two and they all seemed to be doing pretty alright...
but whenever i think about whole pregnancy thing, i get squeamish, seriously... i just cannot get over how it makes me feel physically when i think about giving a birth... it's not something i want to experience ever... like i never want to get married and stuff...
and usually when i say this to people, 99 percent of people says, usually female, "wait until you are 35, your hormone will go crazy..." well, they might be right but i still have a hard time believing that will happen to me ever... i've never wanted to have a baby since forever and don't even like the babies all that much... ok, they are super cute and all but having my own is a whole different story... so much responsibility... i guess i'm too selfish...
yes, many of my friends have told me it definitely was the best thing ever happened to them and i'm truly happy for them... but i don't think all females have that so-called maternal instinct... yes, it's supposedly all written in our genes but i don't want to feel guilty or pressured about not being maternal enough...
when i had this conversation with laurie on the tour about my girlfriends telling me to wait and see, her comment was "that's a great response. i waited."...
that was the best thing i've ever heard from a fellow female regarding the matter...
guess i'll just have to wait and see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My grandmother had no maternal instinct at all. She had three kids because that was what was normal back then. I don't think she ever really liked any of her kids. It's much better to just decide that having kids is not your thing than to have them anyway because other people think you MUST want them secretly.

2:09 AM  

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