Monday, October 02, 2006

i know, i'm pretty lame...

believe it or not, i grew up mainly listening to korean pop songs... first, korean pop music used to be WAY better back then... secondly, it was a way of rebelling against my classical training... it wasn't until after i moved to boston when i heard what people meant by real "jazz", not like the "smooth jazz" i heard when i was in high school... and it wasn't until way way later i heard "experimental" music... guess i'm kind of a late bloomer(?)... and even now my knowledge in music is very limited... kind of getting sick of saying "i don't know" when friends mention names of bands or musicians or songs... but, oh, well... i cannot pretend to know something when i have no idea... but it's getting to annoy me a bit... seriously, i don't even know anything by rolling stones or the smiths or even radiohead... absurd, isn't it... then my next problem is that i have no clue where to begin... there are so many bands and so much music out there... once in a while, some friends will mention some names and i try to check them out... but still i usually get overwhelmed by it fast... i know, i'm pretty lame... ah...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it's lame. People don't emerge from the womb knowing everything there is to know about music, or anything else for that matter. I think if you're really interested in trying artists out at your own speed, the perfect place to start is the Donnell Media Center on 53rd (across from Moma) or Performing Arts Library at Lincoln Center. You can check out up to 10 discs for 3 weeks, giving you a chance to sample things without the financial risk or obligation. Then if you really dig something it wont be such a gamble when you make the purchase.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Violinuts said...

I think listen to what your friends recommend ain't so bad an approach too. That's how I was introduced to so many strange shit around. If I dig that stuff, I would dig deeper online and found that band's collaborating works with others, and from those collaborators I was introduced to another new world. It's endless. I don't think your friends would know more than you if you keep doing that because you will know another world of music that they need your enlightenment.

Jason's right, you ain't lame. Having such a consciousness is FAR from lame!

3:04 PM  

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